
香港聯合調解專線辦事處蕭主席來訪JMHO Chairperson Sylvia Siu Engages with CAA in a Constructive Visit

本(112)年9月21日下午,香港聯合調解專線辦事處(Hong Kong Joint Mediation Helping Office,JMHO)蕭詠儀(Sylvia Siu)主席偕王則左(Samuel Wong)大律師(二人為夫婦)來訪本會。去年12月,蕭主席代表調解辦事處來台與本會討論合作事宜,當時由本會李復甸名譽理事長及爭議調解中心古嘉諄主席代表簽署合作備忘錄。王大律師亦表示其曾經擔任香港仲裁師協會會長,該會亦與本會簽有合作備忘錄,因此非常高興有機會來訪,拜會吳永乾理事長。
雙方在熱切聯絡情誼之餘,蕭主席表示她目前同時擔任亞太仲裁與調解中心 ( Asia Pacific Centre of Mediation and Arbitration,APCAM)副主席,該組織係由多國仲裁及調解機構所共同組成的國際ADR中心,目前總部設在印度,性質與本會所加入的亞太區域仲裁組織(Asia Pacific Regional Arbitration Group,APRAG)相近。蕭主席建議本會加入該中心,增進與國際ADR社群間的合作。
On the afternoon of September 21, 2023, the Chairperson of Joint Mediation Helpline Office (JMHO), Sylvia Siu, accompanied by Attorney Mr. Samuel Wong, paid a visit to CAA. A previous memorandum of understanding (MOU) had been established last December between the mediation office, represented by Chairperson Siu, and CAA's former Chairman Dr. Fuldien Li along with President James C. C. Ku of the CAA Mediation Center. Attorney Wong reminisced about his tenure as the president of the Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators, during which an MOU was also signed with CAA. He expressed that it was a pleasure to meet with Chairman Dr. Joe Y. C. Wu.
During their interaction, Chairperson Siu mentioned her current role as Vice President of APCAM—an international ADR center jointly founded by mediation and arbitration institutions from multiple countries. With its headquarters in India, APCAM's operations mirror those of APRAG. Siu extended an invitation to CAA, suggesting its association with APCAM to bolster ties within the global ADR community.
Responding to the proposal, CAA Chairman Wu expressed gratitude and assured that a decision to join APCAM would be made after a thorough evaluation from a pragmatic standpoint. The meeting's discourse also touched upon India's robust economic progress in recent years and the consequent growth in demand for ADR services, given the considerable influx of foreign investments. Attorney Wong took the opportunity to share opinions based on his investment experiences in India and provided an overview of the current investment climate there.
Concluding the meeting, both Chairperson Siu and Attorney Wong conveyed their eagerness to support CAA in forging international alliances and promotional efforts, should the need arise.

(From the left) Attorney Samuel Wang, Chairman Sylvia Siu, CAA Chairman Dr. Joe Y. C. Wu and Secretary-General Dr. Tien-Ren Le

合影 Group photo


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