
本會舉辦「案件管理會議」研習課程Case Management Conference (CMC) Workshop


本研習課程由高蓋茨法律事務所臺北分所合夥人、ICC國際仲裁院院士、中華民國仲裁協會仲裁院委員黃璽麟律師從仲裁人角度講授,並不時與國內律師較熟稔的訴訟觀念進行對照,以突顯兩者在程序上的不同。他也分別介紹ICC及SIAC二仲裁機構CMC的特色及本會「案件管理會議指導原則」內容。新加坡律所Rajah & Tann副所長Kelvin Poon資深大律師(Senior Counsel)則特地自星來台分享實際參與國際仲裁在該方面的經驗,從當事人角度說明如何在維護自身權利下進行案件管理會議。



(上)黃璽麟律師(右)與Mr. Kelvin Poon,(above) Mr. Shilin Huang (right) and Mr. Kelvin Poon
(下)本會致贈感謝狀(below)CAA presented certificates of appreciation to the planner and sponsors

On May 27 and 28, 2023, the CAA hosted a "Case Management Conference (CMC) Workshop," aimed at acquainting Taiwanese legal practitioners with CMC as a tool for case management in the international arbitration procedure.

The workshop was led by Mr. Shilin Huang, a partner at K&L Gates' Taipei office and a member of both the ICC and CAA Court of Arbitration. Emphasizing the differences between arbitration and litigation procedures, Mr. Huang presented CMC from the viewpoint of an arbitrator and compared it with similar concepts in litigation, which most attorneys are more familiar with. Additionally, he provided insights into the characteristics of CMC at ICC and SIAC, as well as the CAA Guideline on CMC. Special guest Mr. Kelvin Poon, SC, Deputy Managing Partner of Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP, was invited to share his experiences with CMC in international arbitration. He detailed how to navigate CMC in order to protect the rights of a disputing party.

Inspired by the format of international arbitral institutions, this was the first instance of the CAA hosting a reception following the workshop. This provided an opportunity for participants to engage in discussions with senior arbitrators.

During his address at the reception, Dr. Joe Y. C. Wu, Chairman of the CAA, expressed his hope for local arbitrators and disputing parties to gain a deeper understanding of CMC, and thereby increase the efficiency, transparency, and predictability of arbitration. Chairman Wu, on behalf of the CAA, also presented certificates of appreciation to Mr. Shilin Huang, the event's main planner, and to the sponsors – LCS & Partners, Chien Yeh Law Offices, and K&L Gates.



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