近幾年,為使仲裁程序更具效率,幾個仲裁機構先後實施了線上案件管理平台。例如,國際商會(International Commerce Centre, ICC)提昇其2005年Net Case的功能及處理使用者疑慮後,於2022年10月份啟用新的ICC Case Connect平台。國際商會希望能透過該平台,提供使用者線上聲請仲裁、上傳與搜尋文件及與相關使用者互通有無的便利性。
無獨有偶,其他機構如斯德哥爾摩商會仲裁院(Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce , SCC)於2019年推出SCC Platform,香港國際仲裁中心(Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre, HKIAC)於2021年發布HKIAC Case Connect,及美國仲裁協會(American Arbitration Association, AAA)提供其所屬的Web File平台。儘管這些平台擁有與國際商會類似的特性,但各具有不同的功能。
Kluwer Arbitration Blog https://arbitrationblog.kluwerarbitration.com/2023/02/21/arbitration-tech-toolbox-icc-case-connect-a-user-perspective/
In recent years, several arbitration institutions have implemented online case management platforms to streamline their processes. For example, the International Commerce Centre (ICC) launched its new platform, "ICC Case Connect," in October 2022. This platform, an updated version of the "Net Case" launched in 2005, enhances its functions and addresses user needs. Through this platform, ICC aims to provide users the convenience of e-filing requests, uploading and searching documents, and communicating with all case users.
Similarly, other institutions like the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC) unveiled the "SCC Platform" in 2019, and the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) launched the "HKIAC Case Connect" in 2021. The American Arbitration Association (AAA) also offers its "Web File" platform. While these platforms include features similar to the ICC Case Connect, some provide additional functionalities.
Besides enhancing case management skills and services, these new systems offer an avenue for these institutions to contribute to the achievement of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals.
Reference material:
Kluwer Arbitration Blog https://arbitrationblog.kluwerarbitration.com/2023/02/21/arbitration-tech-toolbox-icc-case-connect-a-user-perspective/