
本會仲裁院審議仲裁人迴避事件之權源為當事人的約定The CAA Court of Arbitration's Source of Power for Deciding Arbitrator Challenges is the Parties' Agreement

According to Article 17 paragraph 1 of Taiwan's Arbitration Law, a party intending to request for the withdrawal of an arbitrator shall, within fourteen days after knowing the cause for withdrawal, submit a written application stating the reasons for withdrawal to the arbitral tribunal, “unless the parties have agreed otherwise”. This proviso prevents the arbitral tribunal from deciding arbitrator challenge on its own initiative. One of the most important functions of the CAA Court of Arbitration (CAA Court) is to decide on challenges to arbitrators. However, in the absence of the parties' agreement, the CAA Court does not have the power to make such decisions, as the arbitral tribunal would be the decision-maker pursuant to Article 17 paragraph 1: see Decision 112 Zhong-sheng-hui 001 (Database of Decisions on Challenges of Arbitrators).


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