
本會組團拜會蔣萬安市長CAA Delegation Visits Taipei Mayor Mr. Wan-An Chiang

On April 20, 2023, a delegation from Chinese Arbitration Association (CAA), consisting of Chairman Dr. Joe Y. C. Wu, Board of Supervisors Convener Mr. Huang-Ming Chen, Executive Directors Mr. Yung-Ran Lee and Mr. Fa-Tien Wu, and Director Mr. Wen-Hsiung Huang, visited Taipei Mayor Mr. Wan-An Chiang to discuss the advantages of implementing arbitration as a dispute resolution mechanism for Taipei's urban development.

During the meeting, CAA provided the Taipei Government with a document titled "Taipei — An Arbitration-Friendly City". Chairman Wu emphasized the importance of arbitration as an alternative dispute resolution mechanism, particularly in public construction, foreign direct investments, and international trade contracts. He refuted the widely-held misconception that arbitration is not advantageous to the government party, citing statistical analysis which shows that Taipei City Government has been awarded a favorable judgment in the majority of arbitration cases, both as a claimant and as a respondent. Furthermore, Chairman Wu urged Mayor Chiang to embrace arbitration as an effective mechanism to attract foreign investors, benefit the city's development, and satisfy the public's expectation. He pointed to Singapore, New York and Paris as a successful example of cities that have gained from their commitment to arbitration. 

CAA Convener Chen raised concerns about the current administrative mediation process for public construction disputes. He pointed out that the government often acts as both the referee and player, resulting in procedural unfairness. Additionally, private contractors may be forced to take on unreasonable terms due to financial constraints. Chen proposed that parties to disputes should be allowed to turn to mediation with qualified and trusted private organizations to ensure fairness. Executive Director Wu acknowledged the efficiency advantage of arbitration in resolving disputes quickly, which is particularly important for the reconstruction of old and dangerous buildings in Taipei. Executive Director Lee, drawing from his experience, explained that construction litigations are often long and drawn-out, which can put great financial pressure on contractors in a vulnerable position. He argued that arbitral tribunals are more professional and can quickly and fairly settle disputes. Director Huang concurred and added that arbitration also provides a more equitable resolution for disadvantaged purchasers in the real estate brokerage industry compared to litigation.

In response to the suggestions of the CAA delegation, Mayor Chiang outlined four points in his response: First, the city government is committed to achieving quicker dispute resolution; second, departments will explore the creation of an optimal alternative dispute resolution system; third, public and private sectors can work together to enhance efficiency of this system; fourth, in the long run, Taipei must elevate its legal framework to bring it in line with the international standards, thus allowing it to attract foreign investment and talents.

蔣萬安市長(右四)與吳永乾理事長(左三) Mayor Chiang (fourth from the right) and Chairman Wu (third from the left)


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