
10月23日仲裁週開幕式2023 Taiwan Arbitration Week Launches with Opening Ceremony


開幕式現場 Opening ceremony


本會吳永乾理事長致詞Opening remarks by CAA Chairman Wu

全聯會尤美女理事長致詞 TWBA Chair Yu delivers opening remarks

今年開幕式主題演講邀請本會名譽理事長李復甸教授,以「接軌國際,善用ADR」為題作發表演講。李教授說明接軌國際的重要意義在於台灣為島嶼型經濟,要維持經濟發展有賴吸引外資進入與保護出口貿易投資,這樣的跨國經營模式的穩定成長要靠仲裁機制來確保。每一個投資保障協定或自由貿易協定都有仲裁條款,仲裁是引進外人投資或是對外投資的決定關鍵。李教授亦提到台灣仲裁的困境,除了我國非紐約公約的會員國外,仲裁法亦未採納聯合國模範法。其建議在法制面,可引進聯合國國際貿易法委員會仲裁模範法(rules of law)成為法源;在仲裁程序方面,善用「審前會議」、「集中審理」、「審理範圍書」等機制接軌國際。

李復甸名譽理事長發表主題演講 Keynote Speech by CAA Honorary Chairman Dr. Li

開幕啟動儀式,(左起)尤美女理事長、吳永乾理事長、蔡烱燉副院長、蔡清祥部長 Launching of the TAW, (from the left) TWBA Chair Yu, CAA Chairman Wu, Judicial Yuan VP Tsai, and Ministry of Justice Minister Tsai

陳中申教授吹笛文藝表演 Flute performance by Prof. Chung-Shen Chen

酒會魔術沿桌表演 Close up magic show during the cocktail party

On October 23, 2023, the prestigious AMBI SPACE ONE in Taipei 101 witnessed the commencement of the 2023 Taiwan Arbitration Week (TAW). The event, graced by a message from President Tsai Ing-Wen, marked the beginning of an important week for arbitration in Taiwan.

The Chinese Arbitration Association (CAA) Chairman, Joe Y. C. Wu, and the Chair of the Taiwan Bar Association (TWBA), Mei-Nu Yu, initiated the proceedings with welcoming speeches. They highlighted the significance of TAW as a collaborative effort in the field of arbitration.

Distinguished guests, including Jeong-Duen Tsai, the Vice President of the Judicial Yuan, and Ching-Hsiang, the Minister of Justice, offered their insights during the opening remarks. The ceremony also saw the attendance of numerous notable figures such as Mr. Lien-Tang Kai from the Taipei City Government's Department of Legal Affairs, Grand Justice Sheng-Lin Jan, former Grand Justice Horng-Shya Huang, and former leaders from the Judicial Yuan, reflecting the event's high profile.

In his address, CAA Chairman Wu emphasized the role of CAA in promoting arbitration, in line with the United Nations Economic and Social Council's (ECOSOC) 2006 resolution designating the third week of September as "International Arbitration Week." He underscored CAA's commitment to enhancing arbitration and mediation through various initiatives such as amending the Arbitration Act, international collaborations, training, publications, and hosting relevant events.

The highlight of the ceremony was the keynote speech by Prof. Fuldien Li, Honorary Chairman of CAA. His speech, titled “Maximizing the Use of ADR,” underscored the vital role of arbitration in supporting Taiwan's economy, which is heavily reliant on international trade and foreign investment. Prof. Li pointed out the challenges Taiwan faces, including its non-contracting status to the New York Convention and not being a Model Law jurisdiction. He emphasized the importance of aligning Taiwan's arbitration practices with international standards through law amendments and the adoption of procedures like case management conferences and terms of reference.

The opening of TAW set the stage for a week of insightful discussions and knowledge exchanges in the field of arbitration, highlighting Taiwan's dedication to advancing its arbitration mechanisms on the global stage.


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