
調解中心舉辦第二梯次初級調解訓練課程Empowering Communication: CAA Mediation Center's 2023 Entry Mediation Course a Success




講師與同學就課程主題進行互動討論 Discussion between the instructor and participants

講師觀察小組同學間的互動討論 Instructor observing group discussion

On November 10th and 11th, 2023, the Chinese Arbitration Association (CAA) Mediation Center successfully conducted its second batch of the Entry Mediation Course for the year. This course, renowned for its dynamic and engaging approach, began with a strong focus on the critical skill of "listening."

Participants were immersed in a series of thoughtfully planned activities and case studies, designed to enhance their communication abilities and understanding of facilitative mediation. The highlight of the course was moot case session. This interactive element provided a practical platform for the attendees to apply their newly acquired skills in a controlled environment, simulating real-life mediation scenarios. Feedback from the participants was overwhelmingly positive. Many expressed their appreciation for the depth and practicality of the course content. 

One attendee reflected on the transformative nature of the course, stating, "This is not just a course but an inspiration! Learning to listen has taught me more about the connections between people." Another participant recognized the continuous learning journey in mediation, commenting, "The moot case made me realize that the study of mediation skills is endless."

The success of the CAA Mediation Center's course has garnered aroused significant interest from individuals keen on understanding and applying mediation principles. The enthusiasm and positive testimonials from the participants underscore the course's effectiveness in imparting essential mediation skills. The CAA Mediation Center looks forward to welcoming more individuals in future sessions and continues to be committed to promoting the practice of mediation across various business sectors.


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