
「第28期仲裁人訓練」圓滿結束The 28th Arbitrator Training Session Ends Successfully

CAA held the 28th Arbitrator Training Session on March 18-19 & 25, 2023.
CAA's arbitrator training emphasizes the basic concepts and jurisprudence of arbitration, as well as the practice and the sharing of arbitrator experience. The lectures are given by experienced and knowledgeable arbitrators, and the teaching methods are lively and diverse. Besides interactive instruction, role-playing in mock arbitration is included in order to make participants better understand arbitral proceedings.
In the 28th session, senior arbitrator Mr. Peng-Kwang Chen gave a lecture on Taiwan's Arbitration Law and arbitration practice; Mr. Shilin Huang introduced the “IBA Guidelines on Conflicts of Interest in International Arbitration” with case examples to illustrate the ethical rules for arbitrators; Both Mr. Jeffrey Li and Ms. Joyce Chen talked about the notes for the arbitral tribunal while conducting arbitral proceedings, and also instructed the participants to role-play as arbitrators and gave comments; Ms. Alison Chang explained Case Management Conference used in international arbitration for concentrated trial with her practical experience.

Snapshots of lecture sessions


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