
10月27日研討會(調解機制實務/不動產爭議解決/工程仲裁/國際仲裁之趨勢與發展)Seminars on October 27 (Mediation Practice/Real Estate Dispute Resolution/Construction Arbitration/International Arbitration)

ADR 調解機制實務」研討會


講師陳希佳律師首先介紹調解基本法草案,表示調解基本法於民國107年即開始著手制定,至今年為止尚在研修中。該部基本法的立法目的在於促進當事人利用調解程序,自主、妥速解決民事紛爭,並確保調解程序之公正。其主要架構包括基本規範、調解人、調解程序及認證調解機構 ; 而當調解成立時,當事人一造得請求認證調解機構送法院核定。其後由具有醫事背景的周賢章醫師介紹醫療調解及醫預法。目前醫事調解是由衛生局醫事審議委員會調處,其效力較為薄弱,並有很多限制例如:忽略對人的關懷、資訊不對等、法律效果不一致等。而預定於113年1月1日生效實施的醫預法,全文共45條,其內涵包括組成醫療爭議調解會、調解程序之法律保障、調解配套機制之建立等等。

有關家事調解實務之運作,則邀請到家事調解學會理事長李正雄理事長與大家分享。李理事長於司法體系的調解經驗豐富,其認為,家事調解沒有奇蹟、只有累積善念與經驗 ; 調解人沒有方法、只有心法。同時他也提醒調解人思考:進入調解室時懷著什麼心念、用什麼原則面對當事人、及用什麼態度進行調解。

Innovations in Mediation
A seminar titled "Mediation Practices" was held on October 27, co-organized by the Law Research Exchange Association of Taiwan, Taipei Dispute Resolution Study Society, Taiwan Medical Research Association, and Chen & Chang Law Firm. The event brought together experts to discuss the evolving landscape of mediation practices in various fields.

Jams C. C. Ku, President of the CAA Mediation Center, opened the seminar with insightful remarks. He noted the potential of a pre-trial mediation mechanism to be a part of everyday life and underscored the necessity of a Mediation Law to ensure its integration and effectiveness.

Key discussions and insights from the seminar included:

 • Draft of Mediation Principle Law: Dr. Helena Chen discussed the draft of the Mediation Principle Law, enacted in 2018 and currently under research and negotiation. She outlined the law's objectives to promote mediation use and ensure procedural justice, covering aspects like basic regulations, mediators, mediation procedures, and certified mediation institutions. She also highlighted the provision that allows parties to seek court approval once mediation is established.

 • Medical Mediation and Legislation: Mr. Xian-Chang Chou, with his medical background, presented on medical mediation and the upcoming Medical Accident Prevention and Dispute Resolution Act, effective from January 1, 2024. He critiqued the current medical mediation system managed by the Department of Health's Medical Review Committee as being limited and less effective. The new Act, comprising 45 articles, aims to improve this by organizing medical dispute resolution committees, providing legal protection for mediation procedures, and establishing supplementary mechanisms.

 • Family Mediation Practices: Mr. Cheng-Xiong Li, chairman of the Family Mediation Association, shared his extensive experience in family mediation within the legal system. He emphasized that success in family mediation is not about miracles but the accumulation of good faith and experience. Li also advised mediators to be mindful of their beliefs, principles, and attitudes during the mediation process.

This seminar marked an important step in enhancing understanding and practices in mediation across various sectors, including legal, medical, and family disputes. The diverse range of topics discussed reflects the growing significance and application of mediation in contemporary dispute resolution.

本會調解中心古嘉諄主席致詞 CAA Mediation Center President James C. C. Ku delivers opening remarks

合影 Group photo




  第一場主題「雙地政士制度立法之芻議」,主講人林旺根榮譽理事長表示,雙地政士制度等於雙重保障,在不動產買賣雙方的交易過程中,雙方各找一位他們能信任的合法專業地政士,共同來參與契約制訂及買賣流程的溝通,使不動產買賣雙方當事人權益都可獲得充分雙重保障。地政士做得好可以預防糾紛發生,但合約中納入仲裁條款,在發生糾紛時,可以選擇自己信任的仲裁人交付仲裁,此等機制應加強宣導,以供當事人選擇。第二場「都更爭議之仲裁」,講者陳立夫 及卓輝華副理事長就都市更新權利變換方式及內容,以及估價條件之擬定作概說,點出問題與盲點,並建議解決方式,以供與會者注意與防範。

Advancements in Real Estate Dispute Resolution

On October 27, a seminar titled "Real Estate Dispute Resolution" was jointly organized by the Chinese Arbitration Association (CAA), the Chinese Real Estate Arbitration Association (CREAA), and the Land Administration Agent Association of the Republic of China (ROCREA). This event focused on enhancing dispute resolution mechanisms in real estate transactions.

CAA Managing Director Yong-Ran Li initiated the seminar with opening remarks, emphasizing the complexities and lengthiness of real estate disputes in traditional litigation. He advocated for arbitration, highlighting its speed and the industry expertise of the arbitral tribunal. Li also proposed the implementation of a dual-track land administration agent system to better protect the interests of parties in real estate transactions.

The seminar was structured into two main sessions:

 • Legislation of the Dual-Track Land Administration Agent System: The first session delved into the proposed dual-track system. This innovative approach aims to safeguard the rights of both buyers and sellers by involving specialized agents for each party during real estate transactions. These agents would play a critical role in negotiating and incorporating arbitration clauses in purchase contracts, thereby streamlining dispute resolution.

 • Urban Renewal Disputes: The second session tackled the current issues and recent advancements in the field of urban renewal disputes. This segment was especially relevant given the growing complexity and frequency of such disputes in urban development projects.

The seminar provided valuable insights into the evolving landscape of real estate dispute resolution. It underscored the importance of arbitration as a more efficient alternative to traditional litigation and highlighted the potential benefits of a dual-track land administration agent system in protecting the interests of all parties involved in real estate transactions. The discussions and recommendations from this event marked a significant step forward in addressing the challenges in the real estate sector.

本會李永然常務理事致詞Opening remarks delivered by CAA Managing Director Yong-Ran Li





Review and Outlook of Construction Arbitration

On October 27, the Chinese Construction Industry Arbitration Association (CCIAA) hosted a seminar titled “Review and Outlook of Construction Arbitration.” The event aimed to highlight the effectiveness of arbitration in resolving construction disputes and to discuss strategies for increasing governmental trust in this resolution mechanism.

Laurie Chou, Chair of the CCIAA, chaired the seminar. The event featured insights from Chin-Chiang Su and Frank Kung, both of whom are experienced arbitrators specializing in construction disputes.
The seminar covered two main topics:

 •   The Advantages of Construction Arbitration: Mr. Su led this session with a presentation focused on common types of disputes encountered in construction projects, such as issues related to project duration, additional payments, price index adjustments, and penalties. He delved into the causes of these disputes and used real-case scenarios to underscore the crucial role of arbitrators in efficiently and fairly resolving these complex issues.

 •   Enhancing the Quality of Construction Arbitration: In the second session, Mr. Kung offered several recommendations aimed at improving construction arbitration from the perspectives of the involved parties, the arbitrators, and the arbitral institutions. He stressed the importance of ensuring that parties have the right to be heard and advocated for arbitral awards to be clearly reasoned. This approach, he argued, is key to rebuilding governmental confidence in the arbitration process.

The seminar highlighted the increasing relevance of arbitration in the construction industry, emphasizing its benefits over traditional litigation methods, particularly in terms of efficiency and specialized expertise. The discussions and suggestions presented at this event are expected to contribute significantly to the ongoing development and refinement of arbitration practices in the construction sector.

主持人鄒純忻理事長 Ms. Laurie Chou, Chair of CCIAA

主講人蘇錦江仲裁人 The speaker Mr. Chin-Chiang Su
第三方資助邀請由Mr. Glenn Haley主講,首先介紹「第三方資助 (Third Party Funding, TPF)」的定義乃指仲裁程序之當事人,由第三人支付仲裁及其他程序費用,若受資助之當事人能自判斷結果獲得賠償,資助者得依其與當事人間的協議共享成果。其優點包括了風險得以獲得管理及降低提付仲裁的經濟門檻等;但仍具有潛在的利益衝突、道德倫理之考量、以及第三方資助的金額得否回收等風險存在。Mr. Haley另外也介紹了各地域就第三方資助的規範,例如香港於2018年實施仲裁程序中的第三方資助的相關法案,其中適當的保護被資助的當事人,並且就雙方資助的協議內容有所規範。而新加坡於2021年6月份允准了仲裁程序中的第三方資助協議。
Mr. Kingsley Ong 介紹「金融契約爭議之仲裁」。Mr. Ong表示,從目前的金融市場及未來金融危機的預測,過度的通貨膨脹與市場崩塌,將使得金融契約爭議解決的需求大為增加。而該性質的爭議是否適合提付仲裁,不可一概而論;必須視立場與代表哪一方而定。同時,案件若提付仲裁,於仲裁人之選任必須考慮案子的勝算比例,以及仲裁人是否具有金融這方面具有高度複雜的專業知識。
Ms. Mary Thomson則針對跨境保險與再保險爭議之仲裁進行演說,表示該些爭議的特性包括,適用各種法律之間的衝突,因跨境而產生的語言與文化制度的問題,而通常大部分係以非機構仲裁 (Ad Hoc) 的方式進行。而就仲裁人的選任,英國法院認為仲裁人不必然必須具備額外商業市場的經驗;同時,若同一仲裁人被特定當事人重複選任,也不代表即會偏頗。
Exploring International Arbitration
On the afternoon of October 27, 2023, the Chinese Arbitration Association (CAA) and ClArb co-hosted a seminar titled "Recent Trends and Development in International Arbitration." The event aimed to shed light on contemporary issues in international arbitration, including third-party funding, arbitration in financial contract disputes, and cross-border insurance and reinsurance disputes.
The seminar featured expert speakers who delved into these topics:
 • Third-Party Funding (TPF): Mr. Glenn Haley led the discussion on TPF, clarifying its definition and operational mechanics. TPF involves a funder agreeing to finance a party's legal fees and expenses in exchange for a portion of any recovered sum. Haley highlighted its benefits, such as risk management and financial support, while also addressing potential issues like conflicts of interest and ethical concerns. He also examined TPF regulations in different jurisdictions, mentioning Hong Kong's 2018 Code of Practice for Third-Party Funding of Arbitration and Singapore's recent allowance of TPF in domestic arbitration from June 2021.
 • Arbitrating Financial Contract Disputes: Mr. Kingsley On focused on the growing demand for resolving financial contract disputes, especially amidst hyperinflation and global market instability. He discussed the factors influencing the choice of arbitration for such disputes, including the parties' positions and the financial expertise of the arbitrators, which can be crucial in determining the outcome.
 • Cross-Border Insurance and Reinsurance Disputes: Ms. Mary Thomson addressed arbitration in insurance and reinsurance disputes, noting the challenges posed by conflicts of laws, cultural differences, and language barriers. She also explained that these disputes are often handled through Ad Hoc arbitration. Thomson also touched upon the UK courts' perspective on arbitrator expertise and the implications of repeated appointments by the same party, clarifying that this does not inherently indicate bias.
The seminar offered valuable insights into the evolving landscape of international arbitration, highlighting the complexities and considerations unique to this field. It underscored the importance of understanding the nuances of different arbitration types and the legal frameworks governing them across various jurisdictions. The discussions from this event contribute significantly to the ongoing dialogue about improving and adapting international arbitration practices.

主持人陳希佳律師 The moderator Ms. Helena Chen

綜合座談,(from the left) Mr. Glenn Haley, Mr. Kingsley Ong, Ms. Mary Thomson and Mr. De-Jen Peng


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