
李復甸理事長膺任台北市爭端解決研究協會理事長CAA Chairman Dr. Fuldien Li appointed as Chairman of Taipei Dispute Resolution Study Society (TDRSS)

本會理事長李復甸博士本(110)年3月31日膺任台北市爭端解決研究協會(Taipei Dispute Resolution Study Society, TDRSS)第三屆理事長。


Dr. Fuldien Li, Chairman of CAA, was appointed as the third Chairman of Taipei Dispute Resolution Study Society (TDRSS) on March 31, 2021.

TDRSS was established in March 2017 with CAA as a founding member. The aims of the TDRSS include exploring issues related to dispute resolution (such as prevention of disputes, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, litigation and other mechanisms), promoting research, education and practice in dispute resolution, as well as improving the regulation and quality of dispute resolution.

As the former Chairman of TDRSS, Dr Pan Weida, has completed his second term of office, Professor Fuldien Li was elected to his new position with full support of council members.

In addition to annual seminars on dispute resolution, TDRSS also focuses on promoting arbitration and mediation in student societies. It has been invited to provide professional advice on the draft Medical Malpractice Prevention and Dispute Resolution Act, currently being promoted by the Taiwan government for completion.


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