
本會與亞洲臺灣商會聯合總會簽署合作協議CAA and Asia Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce (ASTCC) signed cooperation agreement

On March 11, 2021, CAA and ASTCC signed a cooperation agreement (the “Agreement”) to jointly promote the awareness and use of arbitration. 

The ceremony was held at the Overseas Community Affairs Council (“OCAC”) headquarters. Chairman Dr. Fuldien Li and President S. T. Liu completed the signing process under the witness of OCAC Minister, Dr. C.Y. Tung. Other ceremony attendees included Honorary Chairman Mr.  Nigel N. T. Li, Senior Advisor Mr. K. C. Fang, Executive Director Mr. Y. C. Wang, Mr. C. C. Ku, Mr. F. T. Wu, Mr. C. C. Li of CAA, Deputy Minister Ms. C. C. Hsu of OCAC, the representatives from Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Legal Affairs as well as more than 30 directors of ASTCC.

本合作協議,旨在透過兩會的交流與資訊共享,協助臺商瞭解仲裁、調解等訴訟外紛爭解決機制(Alternative Dispute Resolution, ADR),進而使用該等爭端解決機制,維護自身權益、解決商務糾紛。未來雙方亦將互相連結官方網站、架設ADR專區,本會亦將提供ADR制度介紹與諮詢服務。
The Agreement aims at promoting Taiwanese commercial parties' awareness of Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanisms (“ADR”) such as arbitration and mediation, thereby encouraging commercial parties to utilize ADR for dispute resolution. In this regard, CAA and ASTCC commit to establish platforms for information sharing and collaboration, which includes hyperlinking CAA and ASTCC's official websites, setting up an “ADR column” on ASTCC's website, and provision of ADR-related information by CAA.
During the ceremony, President Liu reiterated that Taiwanese enterprises have been struggling to find suitable mechanisms for resolving disputes between Taiwanese parties, or between Taiwanese and foreign parties. The cooperation with CAA provides strong and reliable support for Taiwanese enterprises in expanding their global outreach. Minister Tung also praised CAA as being the first private quasi-judicial body in Taiwan, which has extensive experience in dispute resolution, also has with global reputation. The cooperation between CAA and ASTCC will definitely be mutually beneficial. 
CAA Chairman Li expressed his gratitude to President Liu and Minister Tung. He emphasized that CAA provides a full spectrum of dispute resolution services, including arbitration, mediation dispute review and adjudication. Taiwanese enterprises may choose these services to suit their needs, in order to resolve the dispute objectively, impartially, swiftly and professionally. Moreover, an up-to-date legal system is an indispensable element for an efficient commercial environment. Following the long tradition emerged from its founding, CAA is once again taking the responsibility to modernize the Taiwan's arbitration law. CAA's proposed amendment, if successfully adopted, will bring additional benefits will bring additional benefits business activities within and outside Taiwan.  

CAA Chairman Dr. Fuldien Li (right) and ASTCC President Mr. S. T. Liu (left) signed the Cooperation Agreement under the witness of OCAC Minister, Dr. C.Y. Tung

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