
本會將出版《工程爭議問題與實務(三)》Publication of Construction Disputes and Practice (III)


The previous publication of "Disputes and Practice in Construction" (I) and "Practice in Construction" (II) has been well received by the public and has been conducive to the development and practice of construction and contract law.
CAA plans to publish "Disputes and Practice in Construction" (III). As part of this collection, (III) intends to focus on common disputes related to turnkey projects. In Chinese language, the term 'turnkey' is directly translated as 'handing over the key', which means 'delivering the “key” to the proprietor for immediate use'. In practice, however, there is often a discrepancy between the level of trust between the project organizer and the turnkey contractor, as well as the level of familiarity with turnkey operations, which results in many arbitration or litigation disputes. In order to clarify the legal issues commonly encountered in turnkey projects, CAA invited professionals with extensive experience in handling disputes in the academic and practical fields to contribute to the collection. This forthcoming publication not only analyses disputes in construction law, but also on important theoretical discussions regarding turnkey projects, in the hope to provide the industry with a theoretical and practical guide on turnkey projects.


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