日本五大律師事務所之一,森・濱田松本法律事務(Mori Hamada & Matsumoto, MHM)代表團於本(112)年6月6日上午來訪本會,吳永乾理事長親切接待;代表團成員包括該所駐越南總代表江口拓哉律師、紀鈞涵律師及鈴木幹太律師。
On June 6, 2023, delegates from Mori Hamada & Matsumoto (MHM), one of Japan's top five law firms, visited the CAA. Dr. Joe Y. C. Wu, Chairman of the CAA, warmly welcomed Mr. Takuya Eguchi, General Representative Partner of MHM Vietnam, Mr. Chun-Han Chi, and Mr. Kanta Suzuki.
As an international law firm, MHM has established offices throughout Southeast Asia and set up a special working group for its Taiwan practice. The delegation expressed a keen interest in learning about arbitration practices and arbitral institutions in Taiwan to assess whether Taiwan is a suitable seat for arbitration. Chairman Wu delved into the core matter by discussing the recognition and enforcement of Taiwan arbitral awards in foreign countries. He explained that although Taiwan is not a signatory to the New York Convention, Taiwan courts, in principle, recognize foreign awards. Similarly, countries with more developed modern arbitration laws also reciprocally recognize Taiwan awards. There are precedents of Taiwan awards being recognized and enforced by Japanese courts, making Taiwan a viable choice for the seat of arbitration in international disputes.
Chairman Wu further emphasized that the CAA, as Taiwan's first and leading arbitral institution, possesses extensive experience and comprehensive institutional rules for administering diverse types of disputes. With an annual caseload representing over 80% of all arbitration cases in Taiwan, the CAA is the preferred choice for arbitration case management in the country. Moreover, the CAA boasts a panel of arbitrators that includes individuals who are not only fluent in English but also native speakers. This linguistic diversity enables the CAA to conduct bilingual arbitration proceedings effectively, accommodating the needs of parties involved in international disputes.
Chairman Wu also provided an overview of the characteristics of the CAA Court of Arbitration and answered numerous questions related to arbitration practices. These covered topics such as settlement, procedural timetables, discovery of evidence and interim measures. The MHM delegation expressed appreciation for the introduction and deemed the visit highly fruitful. Mr. Eguchi was particularly delighted upon discovering that both he and Chairman Wu are alumni of the University of Washington, School of Law. At the conclusion of the visit, the delegates agreed to maintain communication with the CAA in the future to explore potential collaborations and to recommend the adoption of CAA's arbitration clauses to their clients when appropriate.

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