
參加2023亞太區域仲裁組織(APRAG)會議 APRAG Conference 2023: A Convergence of Arbitration Experts in Beijing

本會吳永乾理事長偕李復甸名譽理事長於本(112)年11月13日至15日代表本會參加2023亞太區域仲裁組織(Asia Pacific Regional Arbitration Group, APRAG)大會,並由李天任秘書長陪同出席。

APRAG Conference為雙年會,本次輪由北京仲裁委員會(Beijing Arbitration Commission,北仲)主辦。大會第一天為機構代表會議,由APRAG委員會代表及機構成員共同討論APRAG未來發展方向。北仲循例,自上屆主辦單位泰國仲裁中心(Thailand Arbitration Center,泰仲)接任輪值秘書處工作。本會李復甸名譽理事長也再次獲提名,連任APRAG組織副主席一職。

機構代表會議Meeting of APRAG Representatives

(From the left) CAA Chairman Joe Wu, Honorary Chairman Fuldien Li, and Secretary-General Tien-Rein Lee


大會現場The conference

大會晚宴表演 Art performance at the Gala Dinner

Between November 13th and 15th, 2023, the Asia Pacific Regional Arbitration Group (APRAG) Conference was held in Beijing, marking a significant gathering of arbitration professionals. The event was attended by key figures from the Chinese Arbitration Association (CAA), including Chairman Joe Wu and Honorary Chairman Fuldien Li. The CAA's involvement was further strengthened by the presence of Secretary General Tien-Rein Lee.

Held biennially, the 2023 APRAG Conference was organized by the Beijing Arbitration Commission (BAC). The first day was dedicated to the APRAG Representatives Meeting, focusing on discussions about the group's operations and future prospects. A highlight of this session was the transition of the APRAG Secretariat role from the Thailand Arbitration Center (THAC) to the BAC. In a significant reappointment, CAA's Honorary Chairman Prof. Fuldien Li was renominated to continue serving as the Vice President of the APRAG Committee.

The following two days were centered around an in-depth conference, engaging in a theme reflective of the current global context: “International Arbitration in Challenging Times: Meeting Challenge, Bridging Divide.” This segment included six sessions that delved into crucial topics in the field. Discussions ranged from the growing importance of international arbitration in the Asia-Pacific region, to transformative reforms, user expectations, the development of international arbitration hubs, international investment arbitration, and the evolving roles of artificial intelligence and big data in the field.

This conference attracted over 400 participants, comprising a diverse group of arbitration institution representatives, arbitrators, attorneys, scholars, and company representatives. It provided a vital platform for the exchange of ideas and insights, reinforcing APRAG's role in shaping the future of arbitration in the Asia-Pacific and beyond.


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