
本會TRF仲裁事件仲裁人因受單方選任次數過多而被聲請迴避Challenge to Arbitrator of CAA Target Redemption Forward (TRF) Case on the Basis of Multiple Appointments by Single Party

In order to ensure the arbitrators' disclosure of any matter that may give rise to the parties' justifiable doubts as to their impartiality and independence, CAA Ethics Committee made a resolution in September 2017 (hereinafter “the resolution”) which adopted in the current CAA arbitrator statements. The resolution requested the arbitrators of TRF cases  disclose their total number of cases within the past three years, categorised as appointment by investor, appointment by bank, and appointment as presiding arbitrator. 

In a recent CAA TRF case, the claimant (investor) challenged an arbitrator in accordance with Articles 15 and 16 of Taiwan's Arbitration Law, who had been appointed by the respondent (the bank)* for over three times. In order to ensure that the challenged arbitrator and the parties have a full opportunity to present their case as well as to resolve any misunderstanding, the arbitral tribunal considered international arbitration practices and invited supplementary submissions before its deliberations. However, the challenged arbitrator resigned before the tribunal made the final decision. 

CAA's current arbitrator disclosure statement refers to the International Bar Association (IBA) Guidelines on Conflicts of Interest. An arbitrator's disclosure in compliance with the prescribed requirements may prompt a party to question that arbitrator's impartiality and independence and further challenge that arbitrator. Whether such challenge is justifiable depends on the circumstances of each case. This recent CAA TRF case raises some concerning issues relating to the interpretation of Articles 15 and 16 of Taiwan's Arbitration Law. To assist the tribunal's decision-making in future and similar cases, the next issue of CAA newsletter will have a feature article which further explores the intricacy between these legislative provisions, CAA's resolution and arbitrator statement and the IBA Guidelines. 

*The term "bank" here refers to banks that sell TRF generally, and does not mean any party in any specific dispute.


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