
本期目錄 Catalog


2019 Taipei Symposium on International Arbitration Rules

2019 Taipei International Conference on Arbitration and Mediation

Seminars on Resolving the Disputes in Joint Development and Superficies by Arbitration

Workshop on Offshore Wind Power Construction Insurance Clause and Disputes


SCIA Delegation visits CAA

Professor Naoshi Takasugi pays a courtesy visit to CAA

Judge Scott M. Hadley exchanges mediation experiences with CAA

Mr. Arvin Lee calls on CAA

Upcoming Events

Workshop with Mr. Benjamin Hughes


Ethics for Counsels and Parties in International Arbitration: Current Issues & Response

International Arbitration Rules: Institutional Practices and Innovations in the Asia-Pacific

The Singapore Convention and Contributions of Academics and Experts From Taiwan


2019 Taipei Symposium on International Arbitration Rules

To enhance arbitration capacity and collaboration among leading arbitral institutions, Chinese Arbitration Association (CAA) held its inaugural Symposium on International Arbitration Rules in March 2017. As part of ongoing efforts to share and promote arbitration, CAA held the second Symposium in cooperation with Taipei Bar Association on August 14, 2019.

2019 Taipei International Conference on Arbitration and Mediation

On August 15-16, 2019, CAA and the Asian Center for WTO & International Health Law and Policy, National Taiwan University College of Law (ACWH) co-hosted the 2019 Taipei International Conference on Arbitration and Mediation in Taipei. 

Seminars on Resolving the Disputes in Joint Development and Superficies by Arbitration

In order to promote ADR mechanisms, CAA hosted a series of seminars in Kaohsiung, Taichung and Taipei. The main theme of these seminars was “Resolving the Disputes in Joint Development and Superficies by Arbitration”.

Workshop on Offshore Wind Power Construction Insurance Clause and Disputes

Following the seminar “Offshore Wind Power Financing and Arbitration” held in May 2019, CAA hosted another workshop on “Offshore Wind Power Construction Insurance Clause and Disputes” on September 6.


SCIA Delegation visits CAA

A delegation of Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration (SCIA) visited CAA on August 16, 2019. 

Professor Naoshi Takasugi pays a courtesy visit to CAA

CAA received Prof. Naoshi Takasugi of Doshisha University, Japan, on August 19, 2019. 

Judge Scott M. Hadley exchanges mediation experiences with CAA

As part of Judicial Yuan’s effort to promote alternative dispute resolutions, the Judges Academy of Taiwan arranged Judge Scott M. Hadley of Utah District Court to visit CAA to share his experiences in conducting mediation on August 20, 2019.

Mr. Arvin Lee calls on CAA

On August 28, 2019, Mr. Arvin Lee visited CAA Taipei office and met with CAA  Chairman Dr. Fuldien Li. 

Upcoming Events

Workshop with Mr. Benjamin Hughes

On October 30, 2019, CAA will host a workshop by Mr. Benjamin Hughes with two topics: “International Arbitration: What are the Best Options for Taiwanese Parties?", and “International Arbitration Practice and Procedure A to Z".


Ethics for Counsels and Parties in International Arbitration: Current Issues & Response

International Arbitration Rules: Institutional Practices and Innovations in the Asia-Pacific

The Singapore Convention and Contributions of Academics and Experts From Taiwan

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